
ISBN-10: 0801492653
ISBN-13: 9780801492655
Publisher: Cornell University Press
Publish Date: 04/09/1984
Dimensions: 9.04" L, 5.98" W, 1.22" H

The New Science of Giambattista Vico: Unabridged Translation of the Third Edition (1744) with the Addition of Practic of the New Science

Translator: Thomas Goddard Bergin
Translator: Max Harold Fisch


Price: $23.95


A pioneering treatise that aroused great controversy when it was first published in 1725, Vico’s New Science is acknowledged today to be one of the few works of authentic genius in the history of social theory. It represents the most ambitious attempt before Comte at comprehensive science of human society and the most profound analysis of the class struggle prior to Marx.

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This new edition of the famous Bergin and Fisch translation of Vico's Scienza nuova, originally published in 1948 and reissued in a revised edition in 1968, includes a translation of a piece of Vico's work called the Practica.... It is a great advantage to have [the Practic of the New Science] reprinted with the text of the New Science as it offers some of Vico's views on the application of his science.... Cornell University Press is to be congratulated for... this new full edition.

– "Review of Metaphysics"
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ISBN-10: 0801492653
ISBN-13: 9780801492655
Publisher: Cornell University Press
Publish Date: 04/09/1984
Dimensions: 9.04" L, 5.98" W, 1.22" H
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