
ISBN-10: 4805317051
ISBN-13: 9784805317051
Publisher: Tuttle Publishing
Publish Date: 01/03/2023
Dimensions: 7.40" L, 5.40" W, 1.30" H

Zen Flesh, Zen Bones: A Collection of Zen and Pre-Zen Writings

Compiled by:Paul Reps
Compiled by: Nyogen Senzaki


Price: $16.99


“This book has been a steadfast portal through which millions in the West have peered to catch at the very least a glimpse of Zen mind at play in all its thought-shattering dialogue, humor, joy, and wisdom.”–Jon Kabat-Zinn, author of Wherever You Go, There You Are

Zen Flesh, Zen Bones offers a remarkable collection of primary sources which enable readers to experience the meaning of Zen directly for themselves. It includes:

  • 101 Zen Stories, a collection of tales recounting the experiences of Chinese and Japanese Zen Buddhist teachers over a period of over five centuries
  • The Gateless Gate, a famous collection of Zen koans
  • Ten Bulls, a commentary on the stages of awareness leading to enlightenment
  • Centering, an ancient text from India that many consider to provide the foundations for Zen Buddhism

When Zen Flesh, Zen Bones was first published in 1957 it created an instant sensation with an entire generation of readers who were just beginning to discover Zen. Over the years it has inspired leading Zen teachers, students and practitioners around the world, and its popularity is as strong today as ever.

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"It has stayed with me for the last 30 years, a classic portraying Zen mind to our linear thinking." –Phil Jackson, Head Coach of the Chicago Bulls and author of Sacred Hoops
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ISBN-10: 4805317051
ISBN-13: 9784805317051
Publisher: Tuttle Publishing
Publish Date: 01/03/2023
Dimensions: 7.40" L, 5.40" W, 1.30" H
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