
ISBN-10: 0822359316
ISBN-13: 9780822359319
Publisher: Duke University Press
Publish Date: 08/14/2015
Dimensions: 8.90" L, 5.90" W, 0.60" H

Shapeshifters: Black Girls and the Choreography of Citizenship


Price: $27.95


In Shapeshifters Aimee Meredith Cox explores how young Black women in a Detroit homeless shelter contest stereotypes, critique their status as partial citizens, and negotiate poverty, racism, and gender violence to create and imagine lives for themselves. Based on eight years of fieldwork at the Fresh Start shelter, Cox shows how the shelter’s residents-who range in age from fifteen to twenty-two-employ strategic methods she characterizes as choreography to disrupt the social hierarchies and prescriptive narratives that work to marginalize them. Among these are dance and poetry, which residents learn in shelter workshops. These outlets for performance and self-expression, Cox shows, are key to the residents exercising their agency, while their creation of alternative family structures demands a rethinking of notions of care, protection, and love. Cox also uses these young women’s experiences to tell larger stories: of Detroit’s history, the Great Migration, deindustrialization, the politics of respectability, and the construction of Black girls and women as social problems. With Shapeshifters Cox gives a voice to young Black women who find creative and non-normative solutions to the problems that come with being young, Black, and female in America.

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"Cox shows that 'Black girls' lives matter' and how their voices articulate that. This ethnographic study of young black women and girls is an essential read and companion to the larger picture of African American lives in urban settings, which are often mired in poverty, crime, and despair. However, this rare study brings hope rather than hopelessness as it delves into the heart of human expression and gives voice to a will to live beyond any limitations of what poverty may dictate in contemporary North America."–M. Christian "Choice"
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ISBN-10: 0822359316
ISBN-13: 9780822359319
Publisher: Duke University Press
Publish Date: 08/14/2015
Dimensions: 8.90" L, 5.90" W, 0.60" H
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