
ISBN-10: 1559365927
ISBN-13: 9781559365925
Publisher: Theatre Communications Group
Publish Date: 02/11/2020
Dimensions: 8.40" L, 5.30" W, 0.40" H

Illyria (Tcg Edition)


Price: $14.95


“Richard Nelson uses the stage not as a pedestal but as a field of whispered dreams.” –Michael Schulman, New Yorker

It is 1958. In the midst of a building boom in New York City, Joe Papp and his colleagues are facing pressure from the city’s elite as they continue their free Shakespeare in Central Park. From the creator of the most celebrated family plays of the last decade comes a drama about a differ­ent kind of family–one held together by the belief that the theater, and the city, belong to all of us.

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"A grave and gossipy whisper of a play set in the Bohemian grooves of Manhattan in 1958, portrays a time when our thirty-seven-year-old birthday boy was down on his luck and feeling defeated. His name, by the way, is Joe Papp. If you keep quiet and behave well, even when others at this improvised shindig do not, you'll hear the murmur of cultural history in the making."

–Ben Brantley "New York Times"
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ISBN-10: 1559365927
ISBN-13: 9781559365925
Publisher: Theatre Communications Group
Publish Date: 02/11/2020
Dimensions: 8.40" L, 5.30" W, 0.40" H
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