
ISBN-10: 0593536282
ISBN-13: 9780593536285
Publisher: Everyman's Library
Publish Date: 04/04/2023
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H

Scottish Stories


Price: $22.00


A beautiful Pocket Classics collection of stories by great Scottish writers past and present

Scottish Stories is a treasury of great writing from an entrancingly literary land. Scotland is known for its centuries of colorful Celtic folklore and its long tradition of spine-tingling ghost stories, as well as for fiction that revels in the gorgeous landscapes of the Highlands and the Western Isles and the rich histories of Edinburgh and Glasgow. Featured here are stories from the past two centuries by famous Scottish writers ranging from Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to Muriel Spark, Ali Smith, Irvine Welsh, and Leila Aboulela.

Everyman’s Library pursues the highest production standards, printing on acid-free cream-colored paper, with full-cloth cases with two-color foil stamping, decorative endpapers, silk ribbon markers, European-style half-round spines, and a full-color illustrated jacket.

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ISBN-10: 0593536282
ISBN-13: 9780593536285
Publisher: Everyman's Library
Publish Date: 04/04/2023
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H
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