
ISBN-10: 0811226875
ISBN-13: 9780811226875
Publisher: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Publish Date: 07/25/2017
Dimensions: 6.90" L, 5.00" W, 0.30" H

These Possible Lives

Translator: Minna Proctor


Price: $12.95


New Directions is proud to present Fleur Jaeggy’s strange and mesmerizing essays about the writers Thomas De Quincey, John Keats, and Marcel Schwob. A renowned stylist of hyper-brevity in fiction, Fleur Jaeggy proves herself an even more concise master of the essay form, albeit in a most peculiar and lapidary poetic vein. Of De Quincey’s early nineteenth-century world we hear of the habits of writers: Charles Lamb “spoke of ‘Lilliputian rabbits’ when eating frog fricassse”; Henry Fuseli “ate a diet of raw meat in order to obtain splendid dreams”; “Hazlitt was perceptive about musculature and boxers”; and “Wordsworth used a buttery knife to cut the pages of a first-edition Burke.” In a book of “blue devils” and night visions, the Keats essay opens: “In 1803, the guillotine was a common child’s toy.” And poor Schwob’s end comes as he feels “like a ‘dog cut open alive'” “His face colored slightly, turning into a mask of gold. His eyes stayed open imperiously. No one could shut his eyelids. The room smoked of grief.” Fleur Jaeggy’s essays–or are they prose poems?–smoke of necessity: the pages are on fire.

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She has the enviable first glance for people and things, she harbors a mixture of distracted levity and authoritative wisdom.–Ingeborg Bachmann
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ISBN-10: 0811226875
ISBN-13: 9780811226875
Publisher: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Publish Date: 07/25/2017
Dimensions: 6.90" L, 5.00" W, 0.30" H
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