
ISBN-10: 1541619617
ISBN-13: 9781541619616
Publisher: Basic Books
Publish Date: 10/05/2021
Dimensions: 8.11" L, 5.43" W, 1.18" H

The Sword and the Shield: The Revolutionary Lives of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.


Price: $21.99


This “landmark” (Ibram X. Kendi, New York Times-bestselling author of How to Be an Antiracist) dual biography of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King transforms our understanding of the twentieth century’s most iconic African American leaders.

To most Americans, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. represent contrasting ideals: self-defense versus nonviolence, Black Power versus civil rights, the sword versus the shield. The struggle for Black freedom is wrought with the same contrasts. While nonviolent direct action is remembered as an unassailable part of American democracy, the movement’s militancy is either vilified or erased outright.

In The Sword and the Shield, Peniel E. Joseph upends these misconceptions and reveals a nuanced portrait of two men who, despite markedly different backgrounds, inspired and pushed each other throughout their adult lives. Now updated with a new afterword, this is a strikingly revisionist account of Malcolm and Martin, the era they defined, and their lasting impact on today’s Movement for Black Lives.

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"Joseph, a prolific historian of twentieth-century African-American politics, an indefatigable public commentator, and arguably the leading chronicler of the Black Power movement, sheds light in The Sword and the Shield on the complex intellectual and strategic dynamics beneath the publicly fractious relationship between Martin and Malcolm."–New York Review of Books
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ISBN-10: 1541619617
ISBN-13: 9781541619616
Publisher: Basic Books
Publish Date: 10/05/2021
Dimensions: 8.11" L, 5.43" W, 1.18" H
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