
ISBN-10: 1647100844
ISBN-13: 9781647100841
Publisher: CAEZIK SF & Fantasy
Publish Date: 10/24/2023
Dimensions: 9.21" L, 6.14" W, 0.57" H

Between Dystopias: The Road to Afropantheology


Price: $19.99


A captivating collection of original stories and essays by award-winning authors that celebrates the richness and complexity of African mysticism.

African literary scholars struggle to reconcile African mysticism with literary labels. Between Dystopias: The Road to Afropantheology encapsulates the essence of African mysticism and dystopia through original stories.

Afropantheology explores various aspects of African mysticism and dystopia. ‘Mother’s Love, Father’s Place’ and ’02 Arena’ are examples. It acknowledges Africa’s journey from its origins to the future.

‘The Deification of Igodo’ and ‘A Dance with the Ancestors’ are stories that showcase the complexity of African mysticism. ‘Land of the Awaiting Birth’ explores the link between the
born and the unborn. .

Between Dystopias: The Road to Afropantheology is a celebration of African mysticism. The collection highlights the richness and complexity of African culture and traditions. It is a must-read for anyone interested in African literature, culture, and history.

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ISBN-10: 1647100844
ISBN-13: 9781647100841
Publisher: CAEZIK SF & Fantasy
Publish Date: 10/24/2023
Dimensions: 9.21" L, 6.14" W, 0.57" H
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