
ISBN-10: 0452289173
ISBN-13: 9780452289178
Publisher: Plume Books
Publish Date: 04/01/2008
Dimensions: 7.76" L, 5.14" W, 0.60" H

Zeno’s Paradox: Unraveling the Ancient Mystery Behind the Science of Space and Time


Price: $16.00


The fascinating story of an ancient riddle and what it reveals about the nature of time and space

Three millennia ago, the Greek philosopher Zeno constructed a series of logical paradoxes to prove that motion is impossible. Today, these paradoxes remain on the cutting edge of our investigations into the fabric of space and time. Zeno’s Paradox uses the motion paradox as a jumping-off point for an exploration of the twenty-five-hundred-year quest to uncover the true nature of the universe. From Galileo to Einstein to Stephen Hawking, some of the greatest minds in history have tackled the problem and made spectacular breakthroughs, but through it all, the paradox of motion remains.

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A neat and compelling historical survey of sciences oldest and deepest conundrum.
John Derbyshire
Achieves an entrancing verbal clarity popularizing a philosophical mind-bender.
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ISBN-10: 0452289173
ISBN-13: 9780452289178
Publisher: Plume Books
Publish Date: 04/01/2008
Dimensions: 7.76" L, 5.14" W, 0.60" H
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