
ISBN-10: 0385471076
ISBN-13: 9780385471077
Publisher: Anchor Books
Publish Date: 12/01/1993
Dimensions: 9.22" L, 5.98" W, 1.04" H

A Taste of Power: A Black Woman’s Story


Price: $18.95


Brown’s account of her life at the highest levels of the Black Panther parly’s hierarchy. More than a journey through a turbulent time in American history, this is the story of a black woman’s battle to define herself.

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"Profound, funny. . . . Movie makers, where are you? This narration is as wild and moving as Bonnie and Clyde. It's as adventurous as Lawrence of Arabia. It has more gore than 14 Terminators. And it also has beautiful, touching, heartbreaking accounts of a lonely black childhood. . . . Brown sees racial oppression in national and global context; every political word she writes pounds home a lesson about commerce, money, racism, communism, you name it. . . . A glowing achievement." –Los Angeles Times

"A Taste of Power is chilling, well-written, and profoundly entertaining." –The New York Times Book Review

"Honest, funny, subjective, unsparing, and passionate. . . A Taste of Power weaves autobiography and political history into a story that fascinates and illuminates." –Washington Post

"A stunning picture of a black woman's coming of age in America. Put it on the shelf beside The Autobiography of Malcolm X." –Kirkus Reviews

"A superb achievement. Finally I understood what the Black Panthers were all about. They were bold, daring, and beautiful, and so is A Taste of Power." –Claude Brown, author of Manchild in the Promised Land

"What Elaine Brown writes is so astonishing, at times it is even difficult to believe she survived it. And yet she did, bringing us that amazing light of the black woman's magical resilience, in the gloominess of our bitter despair." –Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple

"This is the kind of book you develop a relationship with–one of those tumultuous, passionate relationships commonly reserved for lovers. I drank my morning coffee with it, and arrived at work in anticipation of returning to it in the evening. . . . Fascinating. . . . Remarkable." –Farah Jasmine Griffin, Boston Review

"The writing is lyrical, poetic, searing, and staunchly intelligent, much I suspect like the author herself." –Marita Golden, author of Long Distance Life

"With this book, Elaine Brown makes a crucial contribution to American history, African-American history, women's history." –Hattie Gossett, author of presenting sister noblues

"This is a powerful book on a personal level that tells Brown's own story without sentimentality but with insight and candor. . . A must for anyone interested in any insight into the organization." –New York Amsterdam News

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ISBN-10: 0385471076
ISBN-13: 9780385471077
Publisher: Anchor Books
Publish Date: 12/01/1993
Dimensions: 9.22" L, 5.98" W, 1.04" H
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