
ISBN-10: 0802132138
ISBN-13: 9780802132130
Publisher: Grove Press
Publish Date: 01/11/1994
Dimensions: 8.20" L, 5.40" W, 0.70" H

Malcolm X Speaks: Selected Speeches and Statements


Price: $17.00


Malcolm X Speaks contains the major speeches of one of the most important leaders of the Black revolution. Malcolm X was one of the great orators of our time, delivering countless speeches about the Black experience in America, police brutality, voting rights, and more. His work as an activist changed the course of the Civil Rights movement in the United States, and continues to heavily influence activists to this day. “All but one of the speeches were made in those last eight months of his life after his break with the Black Muslims when he was seeking a new path. In their pages one can begin to understand his power as a speaker and to see the political legacy he left his people in its struggle for emancipation. Over and over again in simple imagery, savagely uncompromising, he drove home the real truth.” -I.F. Stone, The New York Review of Books

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Praise for Malcolm X Speaks

"Policies change, and programs change, according to time. But objective never changes. You might change your method of achieving the objective, but the objective never changes. Our objective is a complete freedom, complete justice, complete equality, by any means necessary." –Malcolm X, December 20, 1964

"All but one of the speeches were made in those last eight months of his life after his break with the Black Muslims when he was seeking a new path. In their pages one can begin to understand his power as a speaker and to see the political legacy he left his people in its struggle for emancipation. Over and over again in simple imagery, savagely uncompromising, he drove home the real truth." –I.F. Stone, The New York Review of Books

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ISBN-10: 0802132138
ISBN-13: 9780802132130
Publisher: Grove Press
Publish Date: 01/11/1994
Dimensions: 8.20" L, 5.40" W, 0.70" H
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