
ISBN-10: 0814767419
ISBN-13: 9780814767412
Publisher: New York University Press
Publish Date: 08/13/2012
Dimensions: 8.90" L, 6.08" W, 0.65" H

Class Unknown: Undercover Investigations of American Work and Poverty from the Progressive Era to the Present


Price: $28.00


Since the Gilded Age, social scientists, middle-class reformers, and writers have left the comforts of their offices to pass as steel workers, coal miners, assembly-line laborers, waitresses, hoboes, and other working and poor people in an attempt to gain a fuller and more authentic understanding of the lives of the working class and the poor. In this first, sweeping study of undercover investigations of work and poverty in America, award-winning historian Mark Pittenger examines how
intellectuals were shaped by their experiences with the poor, and how despite their sympathy toward working-class people, they unintentionally helped to develop the contemporary concept of a degraded and other American underclass.
While contributing to our understanding of the history of American social
thought, Class Unknown offers a new perspective on contemporary debates over how we understand
and represent our own society and its class divisions.

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Pittenger provides a memorable meditation on America's ongoing struggle to come to terms with class division.– "Journal of Interdisciplinary History"
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ISBN-10: 0814767419
ISBN-13: 9780814767412
Publisher: New York University Press
Publish Date: 08/13/2012
Dimensions: 8.90" L, 6.08" W, 0.65" H
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