
ISBN-10: 1947793055
ISBN-13: 9781947793057
Publisher: Tin House Books
Publish Date: 10/16/2018
Dimensions: 8.70" L, 5.60" W, 1.00" H

Girls Write Now: Two Decades of True Stories from Young Female Voices


Price: $16.95


Girls Write Now: Two Decades of True Stories from Young Female Voices offers a brave and timely portrait of teenage-girl life in the United States over the past twenty years. They’re working part-time jobs to make ends meet, deciding to wear a hijab to school, sharing a first kiss, coming out to their parents, confronting violence and bullying, and immigrating to a new country while holding onto their heritage. Through it all, these young writers tackle issues of race, gender, poverty, sex, education, politics, family, and friendship. Together their narratives capture indelible snapshots of the past and lay bare hopes, insecurities, and wisdom for the future.

Interwoven is advice from great women writers–Roxane Gay, Francine Prose, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Zadie Smith, Quiara Alegria Hudes, Janet Mock, Gloria Steinem, Lena Dunham, Mia Alvar, and Alice Walker–offering guidance to a young reader about where she’s been and where she might go. Inspiring and informative, Girls Write Now belongs in every school, library and home, adding much-needed and long-overdue perspectives on what it is to be young in America.

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Find in these pages whispered, shouted, necessary notes on our present in the voices of girls on their way to becoming women.–Naomi Jackson
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ISBN-10: 1947793055
ISBN-13: 9781947793057
Publisher: Tin House Books
Publish Date: 10/16/2018
Dimensions: 8.70" L, 5.60" W, 1.00" H
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