
ISBN-10: 1800660286
ISBN-13: 9781800660281
Publisher: Cicada Books
Publish Date: 04/04/2023
Dimensions: 7.40" L, 6.60" W, 0.60" H

Changing World: Cold Data for a Warming Planet


Price: $19.99


Everything you wanted to know about climate change but were too afraid to ask!

“Along with getting its message across in a visually stimulating way, this offers younger eco-activists a first-rate toolbox of facts and basic background on which to build. Compact, informative, and convincing”. — Kirkus, Starred Review

The terrifying effects of a warming planet are impossible to ignore, but sometimes it’s hard to pick through the facts and to understand exactly what’s happening and how. This book of bright, bold infographics illuminates the realities of climate change in hard numbers, digestible data and vivid visualizations.

How will rising sea levels affect us?
What is the impact of meat on the planet?
What industries create the most emissions?
How do renewable energies compare to one another? What are the most effective things we as individuals can do to help the planet?

Without sugar-coating or fear-mongering, this is a book that conveniently unpacks inconvenient truths in a way that is accessible to readers young and old.

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''Why and how to become a "climate change hero," presented in pithy infographics.

Gibson lays it all out in a mix of easily graspable facts and trends embedded in tellingly designed graphics, from a five-toed "carbon footprint" to a pie chart describing energy use in the home to a stairlike vertical bar chart of increasingly effective personal ways to reduce that footprint and another one showing both rising ocean levels and cities that will be flooded over time. The author/illustrator invites readers to trace one decision tree to score their fresh fruit's environmental impact and another before buying any new "stuff" while broadening their perspectives with maps, winding timelines, and visual representations that trace the history of life in terms of a single day (with humans trotting in over the last four seconds), show where the waste plastic is, present our planet as a set of interlocking units from cryosphere ("All the frozen water") to atmosphere, and consider the "environmental cost of the clothes we wear." Along with getting its message across in a visually stimulating way, this offers younger eco-activists a first-rate toolbox of facts and basic background on which to build.

Compact, informative, and convincing''. – Kirkus, Starred Review

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ISBN-10: 1800660286
ISBN-13: 9781800660281
Publisher: Cicada Books
Publish Date: 04/04/2023
Dimensions: 7.40" L, 6.60" W, 0.60" H
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