
ISBN-10: 1616898976
ISBN-13: 9781616898977
Publisher: Moleskine Books
Publish Date: 10/27/2020
Dimensions: 8.30" L, 5.10" W, 0.60" H

Steven Holl: Inspiration and Process in Architecture


Price: $24.95


Internationally known architect Steven Holl is recognized for his ability to blend space and light with great contextual sensitivity and to utilize the unique qualities of each project to create a concept-driven design. He begins each design commission with a small watercolor, exploring light, color, and form with paint and paper.

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"The most recent edition of Moleskine's 'Inspiration and Process' sketchbooks is dedicated to Steven Holl, whose gestural watercolors, sketches, and enigmatic poems are perfect for the casual medium-and perhaps a stocking or two."
- AIA New York
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ISBN-10: 1616898976
ISBN-13: 9781616898977
Publisher: Moleskine Books
Publish Date: 10/27/2020
Dimensions: 8.30" L, 5.10" W, 0.60" H
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