
ISBN-10: 1541600207
ISBN-13: 9781541600201
Publisher: Basic Books
Publish Date: 08/29/2023
Dimensions: 9.47" L, 6.38" W, 1.36" H

1923: The Crisis of German Democracy in the Year of Hitler’s Putsch


Price: $32.00


How Germany’s fledgling democracy nearly collapsed in 1923–and how pro-democracy forces fought back

In 1923, the Weimar Republic faced a series of crises, including foreign occupation of its industrial heartland, rampant inflation, radical violence, and finally Hitler’s infamous “beer hall putsch.” Fanning the flames of anti-government and anti-Semitic sentiment, the Nazis tried to violently seize power in Munich, only failing after they were abandoned by like-minded conservatives.

In 1923, historian Mark William Jones draws on new research to offer a revealing portrait of German politics and society in this turbulent year. Tracing Hitler’s early rise, Jones reveals how political pragmatism and unprecedented international cooperation with the West brought Germany out of its crisis year. Although Germany would succumb to tyranny a decade later, the story of the republic’s survival in 1923 offers essential lessons to anyone concerned about the future of democracy today.

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"Mark Williams Jones's 1923 is scary stuff. The fever broke, but the disease remained. In time, the Nazis reorganized and Germany's patriots stood by to provide cover to purge the enemies at home: the democrat, the socialist, the Jew. It was a homespun crusade that destroyed all law and overturned all order. Jones's book asks where we are today–at the end of the troubles, or at the beginning?"
Peter Fritzsche, author of Hitler's First Hundred Days
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ISBN-10: 1541600207
ISBN-13: 9781541600201
Publisher: Basic Books
Publish Date: 08/29/2023
Dimensions: 9.47" L, 6.38" W, 1.36" H
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