
ISBN-10: 1250766508
ISBN-13: 9781250766502
Publisher: Tor Books
Publish Date: 11/16/2021
Dimensions: 9.47" L, 6.49" W, 1.20" H

Even Greater Mistakes: Stories


Price: $27.99


In her short story collection, Even Greater Mistakes, Charlie Jane Anders upends genre cliches and revitalizes classic tropes with heartfelt and pants-wettingly funny social commentary.

The woman who can see all possible futures is dating the man who can see the one and only foreordained future.

A wildly popular slapstick filmmaker is drawn, against his better judgment, into working with a fascist militia, against a background of social collapse.

Two friends must embark on an Epic Quest To Capture The Weapon That Threatens The Galaxy, or else they’ll never achieve their dream of opening a restaurant.

The stories in this collection, by their very outrageousness, achieve a heightened realism unlike any other. Anders once again proves she is one of the strongest voices in modern science fiction, the writer called by Andrew Sean Greer, “this generation’s Le Guin.”

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"Irresistible and observant . . . Whatever mood you're going for, there's a story in "Even Greater Mistakes" to match it."–San Francisco Chronicle

"There are plenty of delights for Anders' fans and those new to her writing . . . An essential Anders treasury."– Kirkus Reviews, starred review

"This fascinating, emotional collection is a welcome addition showcasing Anders' range and prose."–Library Journal

"Anders' rich sense of humor and genius pacing make sure that even the darkest of post-apocalyptic stories glimmers with sparks of hope–Anders is an author who finds an exciting, riotous joy in invention, and that passion breaks through into each and every story."–Booklist, starred review

"[A] powerful and emotional volume. Each tale immerses readers completely and effortlessly into the tense scenarios Anders imagines. The result is both rewarding and impressive."–Publishers Weekly

"In Even Greater Mistakes, Anders enlivens bold conceits with verve and often dry wit."–AV Club

"At turns funny, thought-provoking, and emotional, these stories depict the breadth of Anders' imagination."–Buzzfeed

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ISBN-10: 1250766508
ISBN-13: 9781250766502
Publisher: Tor Books
Publish Date: 11/16/2021
Dimensions: 9.47" L, 6.49" W, 1.20" H
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