
ISBN-10: 0226174441
ISBN-13: 9780226174440
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Publish Date: 11/01/2006
Dimensions: 8.56" L, 5.56" W, 0.49" H

The Inspector Barlach Mysteries: The Judge and His Hangman and Suspicion

Translator: Joel Agee
Foreword by: Sven Birkerts


Price: $15.00


This volume offers bracing new translations of two precursors to the modern detective novel by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, whose genre-bending mysteries recall the work of Alain Robbe-Grillet and anticipate the postmodern fictions of Paul Auster and other contemporary neo-noir novelists. Both mysteries follow Inspector Barlach as he moves through worlds in which the distinction between crime and justice seems to have vanished. In The Judge and His Hangman, Barlach forgoes the arrest of a murderer in order to manipulate him into killing another, more elusive criminal. And in Suspicion, Barlach pursues a former Nazi doctor by checking into his clinic with the hope of forcing him to reveal himself. The result is two thrillers that bring existential philosophy and the detective genre into dazzling convergence.

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"Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921-1990) was best known as the author of clever, morally inquisitive plays such as 'The Visit' and 'The Physicists.' In the early 1950s he also wrote three short, spellbinding mystery novels, which the University of Chicago Press has reissued in paperback with new translations from the German by Joel Agee: The Pledge and The Inspector Barlach Mysteries: The Judge and His Hangman &Suspicion. The latter includes a thoughtful foreword by Sven Birkerts, who praises Dürrenmatt's talent as a captivating entertainer who could also 'play through complex moral issues with a speed-chess decisiveness and inexorability.' . . . These are slender tales. But they have the weight and texture of classics. Mystery readers should be grateful to the University of Chicago Press for bringing these gems back to life."–Richard Lipez "Washington Post" (2/4/2007 12:00:00 AM)
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ISBN-10: 0226174441
ISBN-13: 9780226174440
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
Publish Date: 11/01/2006
Dimensions: 8.56" L, 5.56" W, 0.49" H
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