
ISBN-10: 1419739999
ISBN-13: 9781419739996
Publisher: Harry N. Abrams
Publish Date: 08/30/2022
Dimensions: 9.32" L, 6.53" W, 0.87" H

Drawing the Vote: A Graphic Novel History for Future Voters

Illustrator: Kati Lacker
Introduction by: Martha Jones


Price: $16.99


This updated edition of Drawing the Vote, an original graphic novel, looks at the history of voting rights in the United States and how it affects the way we vote today.

Introduction by Martha Jones

Author Tommy Jenkins identifies events and trends that led to the unprecedented results of the 2016 presidential election that left American political parties more estranged than ever. To balance these complex ideas and statistics, Kati Lacker’s original artistic style makes the book accessible for readers of all ages.

At a time when many citizens are experiencing challenges and apathy about voting and skepticism concerning our bitterly divided government, Drawing the Vote seeks to offer some explanation for how we got here and how every American can take action to make their vote count.

This expanded edition features an additional 32 pages of comics that cover the results of the 2020 presidential election and the factors that shaped it, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the January 6 insurrection.

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"Jenkins's rousing work will inspire students to educate themselves on the issues–and, when the time comes, to vote early and often."–School Library Journal - STARRED review
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ISBN-10: 1419739999
ISBN-13: 9781419739996
Publisher: Harry N. Abrams
Publish Date: 08/30/2022
Dimensions: 9.32" L, 6.53" W, 0.87" H
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