
ISBN-10: 1635422825
ISBN-13: 9781635422825
Publisher: Other Press (NY)
Publish Date: 02/21/2023
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H

A Sun to Be Sewn

Translator: Thierry Kehou


Price: $15.99


In this modern fable full of poetry, desire, and blood, a creative young Haitian girl struggles against seemingly impossible odds to escape the cruel reality of her Port-au-Prince slum.

“You’ll be alone in the great night.” That’s what Papa has always prophesied to her. Papa, who isn’t her real father–he disappeared when she was born. Since then, her mother has been forced to walk the streets to provide for herself and her daughter, while Papa robs and murders for the local gang leader, to ensure his access to ganja and alcohol, but also for the sheer pleasure of it.
Often finding herself alone within the four walls of a hovel in a Haitian shantytown with corrugated iron for a roof, the young girl tirelessly tries to compose a letter that will capture what is in her heart and soul. She is consumed with love for a classmate, the daughter of her teacher, and searches for words to faithfully express her feelings and her dreams.
In a poetic language that encompasses poverty and idealism, she observes the violence, the shortcomings, and the addictions of the adults around her. Her passion makes her resilient, nurturing her character and helping her to invent a better fate than the one to which she seemed doomed.

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"'Being Haitian means to be born in blood, ' Jean D'Amérique has written. A Sun to Be Sewn, like D'Amérique's other novels, poetry, and theatrical works, immerses us in that blood, but he refuses to let his characters be silenced. His words haunt us with the subtlety, nuance, and lyricism that our beautiful and aching country not only inspires, but demands. Jean D'Amérique is a very talented writer and A Sun to Be Sewn is an unforgettable novel." –Edwidge Danticat, author of Breath, Eyes, Memory

"Jean D'Amérique's prose has a musical rhythm, making each sentence of A Sun to Be Sewn come alive. He paints a portrait of a child's world with the delicate touch of a poet. A necessary and stunning rendering of contemporary Haiti, childhood, and what it means to survive, A Sun to Be Sewn is told through a remarkable voice unlike any other, imparting the reader with images that will not soon be forgotten." –Leila Mottley, New York Times bestselling author of Nightcrawling

"A Shakespearean debut novel, with the tragic beauty of a Géricault painting. Stunning." –Le Monde des livres

"The genius of Jean D'Amérique is having successfully used a language at once marvelously poetic and very hard. I couldn't pull myself away, I read it in one sitting." –Célimène Daudet, France Culture, Affaires culturelles

"Tenderness and violence alternate in this book that describes the 'gangsterization' of neighborhoods in the Haitian capital." –Le Point

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ISBN-10: 1635422825
ISBN-13: 9781635422825
Publisher: Other Press (NY)
Publish Date: 02/21/2023
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H
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