
ISBN-10: 0807609528
ISBN-13: 9780807609521
Publisher: George Braziller
Publish Date: 05/17/1980
Dimensions: 8.30" L, 5.40" W, 0.40" H

The Slave Girl


Price: $17.95


The Slave Girl follows the fortunes of Ogbanje Ojebeta, a Nigerian woman who is sold into slavery in her own land after disease and tragedy leave her orphaned as a child. In her fellow slaves, she finds a surrogate family that clings together under the unbending will of their master. As Ogbanje Ojebeta becomes a woman and discovers her need for home and family, and for freedom and identity, she realizes that she must ultimately choose her own destiny.

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Buchi Emecheta writes with a storyteller's flare. Her prose is vivid and simple as a stone carving.– "Houston Chronicle"
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ISBN-10: 0807609528
ISBN-13: 9780807609521
Publisher: George Braziller
Publish Date: 05/17/1980
Dimensions: 8.30" L, 5.40" W, 0.40" H
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