
ISBN-10: 0811218465
ISBN-13: 9780811218467
Publisher: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Publish Date: 09/30/2009
Dimensions: 8.02" L, 5.26" W, 0.58" H

The She-Devil in the Mirror

Translator: Katherine Silver


Price: $14.95


Laura Rivera can’t believe what has happened. Her best friend has been killed in cold blood in the living room of her home, in front of her two young daughters! Nobody knows who pulled the trigger, but Laura will not rest easy until she finds out. Her dizzying, delirious, hilarious, and blood-curdling one-sided dialogue carries the reader on a rough and tumble ride through the social, political, economic, and sexual chaos of post-civil war San Salvador. A detective story of pulse-quickening suspense, The She-Devil in the Mirror is also a sober reminder that justice and truth are more often than not illusive. Castellanos Moya’s relentless, obsessive narrator–female, rich, paranoid, wonderfully perceptive, and, in the end, fabulously unreliable–paints with frivolous profundity a society in a state of collapse.

Castellanos Moya’s Senselessness was acclaimed “an innovative and invigoratingly twisted piece of art” (Village Voice) and “a brilliantly crafted moral fable, as if Kafka had gone to Latin America for his source materials” (Russell Banks).

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The only writer of my generation who knows how to narrate the horror, the secret Vietnam that Latin America was for a long time.–Roberto Bolaño
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ISBN-10: 0811218465
ISBN-13: 9780811218467
Publisher: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Publish Date: 09/30/2009
Dimensions: 8.02" L, 5.26" W, 0.58" H
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