
ISBN-10: 0385498365
ISBN-13: 9780385498364
Publisher: Anchor Books
Publish Date: 12/04/2001
Dimensions: 8.06" L, 5.26" W, 1.01" H

Respected Sir, Wedding Song, the Search


Price: $23.00


A new volume of three novels-previously published separately by Anchor-by Naguib Mahfouz, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Together with The Beggar, The Thief and The Dogs, and Autumn Quail (published by Anchor in December 2000), these novels represent a comprehensive collection of Mahfouz’s artful meditations on post-revolution Egypt. Diverse in style and narrative technique, they render a nuanced and universally resonant vision of modern life in the Middle East.

Respected Sir, “a latter-day Bleak House in Arabic” (The New York Times), revisits a familiar theme-vaulting ambition-in a powerful and religious metaphor. Wedding Song, “one of Mahfouz’s most enjoyable works” (The Chicago Tribune), is a psychological drama, focusing on how four very different kinds of minds apprehend and reckon with the realities that surround them. The Search is a powerful, lurid, and compelling story of lust, greed, and murder.

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"The incredible variety of Mahfouz's writing continues to dazzle our eyes."-The Washington Post
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ISBN-10: 0385498365
ISBN-13: 9780385498364
Publisher: Anchor Books
Publish Date: 12/04/2001
Dimensions: 8.06" L, 5.26" W, 1.01" H
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