
ISBN-10: 0956509282
ISBN-13: 9780956509284
Publisher: Sylph Editions
Publish Date: 10/15/2012
Dimensions: 9.40" L, 6.10" W, 0.30" H

A Labour of Moles


Price: $19.00


“I found myself in the thick of things. I shut my eyes experimentally, opened them again. If I was dreaming, the scene should change but no, everything was exactly as it had been before.”

So begins “A Labour of Moles,” by one of South Africa s most important writers, Ivan Vladislavic: a story which takes the reader into a realm utterly alien and at the same time as familiar as the letters forming the words on the page and the very building-blocks of fiction.”

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"Ivan Vladislavic's oeuvre has involved ongoing innovation in form that refuses pigeonholing . . . [His] innovation is not merely a literary trick or game, but a function of a way of living that brings together socio-political relevance and the vitality of freedom."

–Gerald Gaylard "Safundi "
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ISBN-10: 0956509282
ISBN-13: 9780956509284
Publisher: Sylph Editions
Publish Date: 10/15/2012
Dimensions: 9.40" L, 6.10" W, 0.30" H
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