
ISBN-10: 1558490760
ISBN-13: 9781558490765
Publisher: University of Massachusetts Press
Publish Date: 08/28/1997
Dimensions: 9.01" L, 6.02" W, 0.99" H

Emmanuel Appadocca; Or, Blighted Life: A Tale of the Boucaneers

Other: Selwyn Reginald Cudjoe
Introduction by: William E Cain


Price: $26.95


This 1854 novel traces a mulatto son’s quest for vengeance against his white father, a sugar planter who abandoned him and his mother. Intent on redeeming his mother’s honor and outraged by the cruelty and greed that slavery has engendered Appodacca sails the seas with a band of ruthless pirates on a ship named the Black Schooner. The novel, written by the important activist and intellectual Michel Maxwell Philip (1829-1888) deals with themes, symbols, and literary techniques that are reminiscent of other major authors such as Melville, Douglass, and Stowe. This new edition with scholarly commentaries and annotations will reorient our understanding of the development of Caribbean literature in relation to English and American literary production.

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ISBN-10: 1558490760
ISBN-13: 9781558490765
Publisher: University of Massachusetts Press
Publish Date: 08/28/1997
Dimensions: 9.01" L, 6.02" W, 0.99" H
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