
ISBN-10: 0811212564
ISBN-13: 9780811212564
Publisher: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Publish Date: 11/17/1993
Dimensions: 8.04" L, 5.40" W, 0.39" H

The Dancing Girl: Autobiographical Novel

Translator: Qurratulain Hyder


Price: $14.95


Written in 1790, Hasan Shah’s autobiographical romance, The Dancing Girl, is remarkable for both its lyrical prose and its fine recreation of a time, a place, and a culture–India in the 1780s, a tolerant, affable era before the full establishment of British colonial rule. The Dancing Girl tells of the doomed love of Hasan Shah (aide-de-camp to a British officer) and Khanum Jan (a courageous and gifted dancer of the courtesan caste) whose secret marriage could not prevent their separation. At Khanum Jan’s death, her grief-striken husband turned his raw emotion into a surprisingly modern, first-person narrative “without realizing,” as leading Urdu novelist Qurratulain Hyder observes in the foreword to her translation (from the 1893 Urdu translation of the original Persian), “that he had become a pioneer of the modern Indian novel.”

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ISBN-10: 0811212564
ISBN-13: 9780811212564
Publisher: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Publish Date: 11/17/1993
Dimensions: 8.04" L, 5.40" W, 0.39" H
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