
ISBN-10: 0915306891
ISBN-13: 9780915306893
Publisher: Curbstone Press
Publish Date: 07/01/1995
Dimensions: 8.51" L, 5.41" W, 0.67" H

After the Bombs

Translator: Asa Zatz


Price: $16.95


After the Bombs is a coming of age story that holds a mirror up to the modern history of Guatemala–a funhouse mirror of richly inventive and farcical black comedy which provides a better description of life in that country than any history book ever could. It opens with the bombing of Guatemala City in 1954 when the hero, Max, is a small child. In a swiftly moving narrative, Max journeys toward adulthood, searching for his identity, for his father, and along the way, for the real Guatemala and the possibility of a society founded on human decency, after the bombs.

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"After the Bombs is a sort of bildungsroman run riot. Arias mixes stream-of-consciousness, lyrical outbursts, Marx Brothers antics, a nuanced, poetic sense of rhythm in his sentence construction, funky gossip, and myth, all with a fine sense of theatricality." –Voice Literary Supplement
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ISBN-10: 0915306891
ISBN-13: 9780915306893
Publisher: Curbstone Press
Publish Date: 07/01/1995
Dimensions: 8.51" L, 5.41" W, 0.67" H
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