
ISBN-10: 0140449329
ISBN-13: 9780140449327
Publisher: Penguin Group
Publish Date: 04/29/2003
Dimensions: 7.70" L, 5.10" W, 0.90" H

The Aeneid (Revised)

Translator: David West
Introduction by: David West
Notes by: David West


Price: $16.00


In Aeneas, Virgil created the most powerful figure in Latin literature, the dutiful yet fallible Trojan prince who overcomes war, suffering and countless setbacks to lay the foundations of the Roman race. Like many of his generation, John Dryden (1631-1700) believed the great classical epics could provide moral models to ‘form the Mind to Heroick Virtue by Example’. For his version of the Aeneid, he formed a style vigorous yet refined and drew on the deep understanding of political unrest he had acquired during the Civil Wars of 1642-51 and the Glorious Revolution of 1688. This Penguin English Poets edition includes maps, a substantial glossary and enough background to help readers overcome any unfamiliarity with style or substance, thus making freshly accessible a work of enduring worth.

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"Fitzgerald's is so decisively the best modern Aeneid that it is unthinkable that anyone will want to use any other version for a long time to come." –New York Review of Books

"From the beginning to the end of this English poem ... the reader will find the same sure control of English rhythms, the same deft phrasing, and an energy which urges the eye onward." –The New Republic

"A rendering that is both marvelously readable and scrupulously faithful.... Fitzgerald has managed, by a sensitive use of faintly archaic vocabulary and a keen ear for sound and rhythm, to suggest the solemnity and the movement of Virgil's poetry as no previous translator has done (including Dryden).... This is a sustained achievement of beauty and power." –Boston Globe

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ISBN-10: 0140449329
ISBN-13: 9780140449327
Publisher: Penguin Group
Publish Date: 04/29/2003
Dimensions: 7.70" L, 5.10" W, 0.90" H
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