
ISBN-10: 1770466320
ISBN-13: 9781770466326
Publisher: Drawn & Quarterly
Publish Date: 03/21/2023
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H

Harvey Knight’s Odyssey


Price: $24.95


Harvey Knight’s Odyssey is the latest book in Nick’s deepening catalog of jocular misery

Solarism is a religion that acknowledges there is a balance of light and dark in the Universe. But while Solarists believe it is possible to achieve a state of Pure Light by exposing themselves to the rays of the sun (or tanning beds on cloudy days), the Forces of Dark conspire against them and send hooded Shadow Men to eliminate the Light. Subsequently, Solarists must kill these Shadow Men. It’s the only way. When a thief infiltrates the sacred chambers of the Solarists, Assistant-to-the-Master Harvey Knight must test the strength of his beliefs in order to restore order. Or maybe he’s plotting to overthrow the leader and make the religion his own. Either way, it’s an odyssey.

Nick Maandag has been making bone-dry hilarious comics for years, exploring the ridiculousness of human vanity and beliefs. He approaches each comic with the understanding that we are all desperate to be seen and find the most outrageous ways to make that happen. Few cartoonists elicit belly laughs the way Maandag does.

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"I'm in awe of Nick Maandag's imagination. With this book's shifts between the mundane and the surreal, that imagination is on full display. I found it to be a thrilling reading experience. This is Maandag's best work."Chester Brown, author of Louis Riel and Mary Wept Over the Feet of Jesus

"These stories are both funny-haha and funny-strange. Maandag's world is a mix of banality and weirdness. Imagine The Office rewritten by David Lynch."Tom Gauld, author of Revenge of the Librarians

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ISBN-10: 1770466320
ISBN-13: 9781770466326
Publisher: Drawn & Quarterly
Publish Date: 03/21/2023
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H
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