
ISBN-10: 1908211318
ISBN-13: 9781908211316
Publisher: Carpet Bombing Culture
Publish Date: 02/01/2016
Dimensions: 5.80" L, 4.00" W, 0.30" H

Banksy. Myths & Legends Volume 2: A Further Collection of the Unbelievable and the Incredible


Price: $9.95


No single living artist has created as many myths, rumours and legends as Banksy. In 2011 Bristol based writer Marc Leverton teamed up with Carpet Bombing Culture to bring a collection of the best of these stories together. Since then the Banksy juggernaut has continued to roll on spewing out sharp satire, unintentional furores, blatant profiteering, and many more myths and legends. Plus the odd bit of art. For many the smoke and mirrors which surround Banksy are as fascinating as the artwork of the 21st century’s most important living artist. The first edition contained 58 ‘Banksy stories’, many of which have been subsequently verified as being bona fide. Others have remained slightly more tenuous. The second edition takes the same approach. We collect the stories, the reader can judge for themselves.

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ISBN-10: 1908211318
ISBN-13: 9781908211316
Publisher: Carpet Bombing Culture
Publish Date: 02/01/2016
Dimensions: 5.80" L, 4.00" W, 0.30" H
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