
ISBN-10: 1683962079
ISBN-13: 9781683962076
Publisher: Fantagraphics Books
Publish Date: 07/30/2019
Dimensions: 11.70" L, 8.40" W, 0.80" H

Bad Gateway


Price: $29.99


Perpetually drunk and high, lovable degenerates Megg and Mogg have drifted through a life full of raucous antics and free of consequences. But their heavy drug use, once a gateway to adventure, has begun to take a grim psychological toll. As her unstable lifestyle finally catches up to her, Megg must turn to her past to uncover the roots of her self-destructive habits that have led her down this dark path.

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If you like your comedy black, profane and outrageous, you've probably already encountered Hanselmann's twisted tales of Meg, Mogg, Owl and Werewolf Jones or should want to soon. Bad Gateway takes the emotional depth of Hanselmann's previous work up several notches. It also brings his finely-detailed and beautifully watercolored artwork to the fore.– "Forbes"
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ISBN-10: 1683962079
ISBN-13: 9781683962076
Publisher: Fantagraphics Books
Publish Date: 07/30/2019
Dimensions: 11.70" L, 8.40" W, 0.80" H
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