
ISBN-10: 1556596847
ISBN-13: 9781556596841
Publisher: Copper Canyon Press
Publish Date: 04/30/2024
Dimensions: 8.90" L, 5.80" W, 0.70" H

What Comes Back

Translator: Robin Myers


Price: $18.00


Veering between past and present, between ecological destruction and human violence, What Comes Back is a search for what has vanished and what remains.

Javier Peñalosa M.’s What Comes Back is a procession, a journey, a search for a body of water that has disappeared or gone elsewhere. Featured in separate sections, original Spanish poems and Robin Myers’ English translations highlight tender ruminations on loss, memory, and communion. Just as landscapes witness and “preserve what happens along the length of them,” so do people. We watch as travelers navigate realms between the living and the dead, past mountains and dried up rivers to map, trace, and remember the past and future. Several sections, each bearing the title “What Comes Back,” guide readers on a looping voyage where they are “orbited around the gravity of what had come to be”–the absence of Mexico City’s rivers, and other absences wrought by war, climate change, and forced migration. Rattled between ecological destruction and human violence, What Comes Back, what remains, is a desire to name the missing, to render belonging out of dispossession, endurance out of erasure–the spiritual urge toward connection and community.

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Praise for Javier Peñalosa's Los que regresan

"A collection that hasn't so much been written as cultivated, then planted in the reader and transformed into an inner book: a work both memorable and untransferable, existing on the border between the novel and the poem, between the play and the hymn." –Adolfo Castañón

"Peñalosa's syntax connects everlasting ideas and brings them closer to speech with a flowing language. He circulates and draws a map of his history, which is that of a good part of the maturity of young Mexican poetry." –Ignacio Ballester

"A story of solidarity amid scarcity, a study of landscape, a record of what can only be learned on foot." –Juan Villoro

Praise for Robin Myers' Spanish-to-English Translations

"Guerrero's collection, . . . thanks to Robin Myers, feels as much a collection of poetry as it does a document of rebellion, a manifesto, a toolkit on how to think about connectedness and ecology." –Greg Bem

"Unaffected yet profound, casual but alert to the innate dignity of life, the poem that Robin Myers has brought us does what great poems do: show us the ancient in the contemporary, the lightness in the gravity, the gleaming thread of the sacred woven everywhere in the commonplace." –Conor Bracken

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ISBN-10: 1556596847
ISBN-13: 9781556596841
Publisher: Copper Canyon Press
Publish Date: 04/30/2024
Dimensions: 8.90" L, 5.80" W, 0.70" H
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