
ISBN-10: 0988610841
ISBN-13: 9780988610842
Publisher: Bootstrap Press
Publish Date: 07/01/2015
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H

Way Too West


Price: $15.00


Poetry. Down midnight trails to the still reeling seawall, past campfires in the Western Jungle, with voice work from Judy Collins, Nicholas Ray, Aphra Behn, Noah Purifoy, Johnny Cash, William F. Buckley Jr. and a sadistic Black Bart impersonator along the way – WAY TOO WEST is the first major poem of the long century now unfolding on Earth’s runaway twin. A gamey hock of tongues thin-sliced in a broth of cartoons served with a side of jellied turds found out on spits / and drops of dandy pee-all wrapped up in a cover by legendary Oakland artist Jake Hout – this poem-system is certified to get you stoned on perfect reality.

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ISBN-10: 0988610841
ISBN-13: 9780988610842
Publisher: Bootstrap Press
Publish Date: 07/01/2015
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H
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