
ISBN-10: 0887486525
ISBN-13: 9780887486524
Publisher: Carnegie-Mellon University Press
Publish Date: 02/18/2020
Dimensions: 8.40" L, 5.40" W, 0.30" H

Sojourners of the In-Between


Price: $15.95


Sojourners of the In-Between is a book about polarities, the mortality and sense of loss we feel as we grow older, and, on the other hand, the enlivening perceptions our years attune us to, what we might have missed in the full flush and energy of youth. In tones that are sometimes discursive and lyrical, humorous and elegiac, the poems suggest how large distances and abstractions might incline us more intensely to the materiality of things, their earthly make-up, even their dispersible elemental natures reshuffling into different guises. It’s a book of longing for what disappears and is lost, and a book of thankfulness for our human capacity to sometimes sense what we often can only imagine.

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"In his Sojourners of the In-Between, Djanikian manages to make his home in a present too miscellaneous and too fluid to be defined by any single perspective. By being open to the overlay of plots that seem to constitute the moment, in which beginnings and ends are hidden, he creates an aesthetics of the qualified and the provisional, one that finds value where we don't expect to find it, in the fugitive and the fragmentary. The result is a book moving in its vividness and its candor."–Carl Dennis, author of Practical Gods
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ISBN-10: 0887486525
ISBN-13: 9780887486524
Publisher: Carnegie-Mellon University Press
Publish Date: 02/18/2020
Dimensions: 8.40" L, 5.40" W, 0.30" H
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