
ISBN-10: 0375759417
ISBN-13: 9780375759413
Publisher: Random House Group
Publish Date: 02/12/2002
Dimensions: 7.90" L, 5.40" W, 1.15" H

Selected Poetry of William Wordsworth

Editor: Mark Van Doren
Introduction by: David Bromwich


Price: $17.00


Selected Poetry of William Wordsworth represents Wordsworth’s prolific output, from the poems first published in Lyrical Ballads in 1798 that changed the face of English poetry to the late “Yarrow Revisited.” Wordsworth’s poetry is celebrated for its deep feeling, its use of ordinary speech, the love of nature it expresses, and its representation of commonplace things and events. As Matthew Arnold notes, “[Wordsworth’s poetry] is great because of the extraordinary power with which [he] feels the joy offered to us in nature, the joy offered to us in the simple elementary affections and duties.”

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"The poetical performance of Wordsworth is, after that of Shakespeare and Milton . . . undoubtedly the most
considerable in our language from the Elizabethan age to the present time."–Matthew Arnold
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ISBN-10: 0375759417
ISBN-13: 9780375759413
Publisher: Random House Group
Publish Date: 02/12/2002
Dimensions: 7.90" L, 5.40" W, 1.15" H
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