
ISBN-10: 0811226956
ISBN-13: 9780811226950
Publisher: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Publish Date: 08/15/2017
Dimensions: 8.70" L, 5.70" W, 0.30" H

Sea, Land, Shadow

Translator: Yumiko Tsumura


Price: $10.95


the people, the boats completely gone with the tsunami / tonight you would not be able to sleep –from Sea, Land, Shadow

Sea, Land, Shadow, the fourth collection by Kazuko Shiraishi to be published by New Directions, comprises work written over sixty-years, from 1951 to 2015. Shiraishi, described by Donald Keene as “the outstanding poetic voice of her generation of disengagement in Japan,” sees the world in a grain of rice and finds poetry in a mountain-road traffic jam. In the haunting title poem, she visits Iwanuma not long after the disastrous tsunami hit in 2011 and finds “no houses but a place where houses had been.” This pamphlet also includes a long, lyrical homage to Yukio Mishima, as well as playful and profound meditations on a Roman condom, lizard god, god of war, and an ear.

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Eclectic and electric.–Catherine Belshaw, Paul Worley, and Sohini Basak "Asymptote" (8/7/2017 12:00:00 AM)
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ISBN-10: 0811226956
ISBN-13: 9780811226950
Publisher: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Publish Date: 08/15/2017
Dimensions: 8.70" L, 5.70" W, 0.30" H
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