
ISBN-10: 1934909483
ISBN-13: 9781934909485
Publisher: Hanging Loose Press
Publish Date: 05/26/2015
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H

Runaway Goat Cart


Price: $18.00


Poetry. The spirits hovering around Thomas Devaney’s new collection, RUNAWAY GOAT CART, include Philip Whalen and Erik Satie, Thelonious Monk and James Madison–maybe they have something to do with the astringent buoyancy and ‘essential tension’ of these poems…–Geoffrey O’Brien

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ISBN-10: 1934909483
ISBN-13: 9781934909485
Publisher: Hanging Loose Press
Publish Date: 05/26/2015
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H
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