
ISBN-10: 1324020733
ISBN-13: 9781324020738
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Publish Date: 05/21/2024
Dimensions: 8.00" L, 6.55" W, 0.35" H

Midwood: Poems


Price: $15.99


In her third book, Jana Prikryl probes the notion of midlife, when past and future blur in the equidistance. Balancing formal innovation with deeply personal reflection, Midwood subtly but impiously explores love and sex and marriage and motherhood in plain, urgent language. Written for the most part early every morning over the course of a year, in all its changing seasons, Midwood includes a series of poems looking at and talking to trees; Prikryl’s careful attention to the ordinary world outside the window forms an alternative measure of time that leafs and ramifies. With their rapid shifts of scale and unusual directness, these poems find a new language for confronting our moment.

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[Midwood is] a strange, ecstatic, semi-pastoral crack up...that feels almost (but not quite) careening, a work at war with its own sense of control.–Dustin Illingworth "Poetry Foundation"
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ISBN-10: 1324020733
ISBN-13: 9781324020738
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Publish Date: 05/21/2024
Dimensions: 8.00" L, 6.55" W, 0.35" H
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