
ISBN-10: 1882688163
ISBN-13: 9781882688166
Publisher: Tia Chucha
Publish Date: 12/15/1997
Dimensions: 8.90" L, 5.92" W, 0.25" H

Leaving Gary


Price: $10.95


Rooted in the social activism of Vatican II, the civil rights and anti-war movements of the sixties, the poetry of John Sheehan is filled with keen observations of place, people and time, where steel mills and sand dunes intersect with schoolchildren, overhead remarks, blues and jazz, where pumpkins sit beneath TV sets blaring the evening news. Leaving Gary confronts issues of race and class, religion and landscape, memory and media, chronicling places which changed and places we wish would change.

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ISBN-10: 1882688163
ISBN-13: 9781882688166
Publisher: Tia Chucha
Publish Date: 12/15/1997
Dimensions: 8.90" L, 5.92" W, 0.25" H
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