
ISBN-10: 1583224858
ISBN-13: 9781583224854
Publisher: Seven Stories Press
Publish Date: 05/06/2003
Dimensions: 9.06" L, 6.48" W, 0.57" H

A History of Color: New and Selected Poems


Price: $17.95


Few poets today, even very good ones, write lines, as Stanley Moss does, that are so exquisitely crafted you cannot help but remember them. What is heaven but the history of color, begins the new long poem after which this book is named. We know at ninety sometimes it aches to sing, begins another poem, for a woman upon her ninetieth birthday. In the hands of this master, Ah who art in heaven, transmigrates to the quieting ah, ah, baby. And here is Moss in an early poem: I’ve always had a preference / for politics you could sing / on the stage of the Scala, ending that poem with words attributed to Lincoln: I don’t know what the soul is, / but whatever it is, I know it can humble itself.
A History of Color: New and Collected Poems by Stanley Moss is the first one-volume, complete edition of the poetry of this important living American poet. A History of Color proposes poetry that is made to be useful. Moss is our leading psalmist. Metaphors for wonder abound, his language one of sorrow and exaltation.

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"Stanley Moss's A History of Color is an impressively presented and highly recommended poetry anthology emphasizing intellectual exploration and contemplation. Subtle shifts of mood distinguish the free-verse reflections on the absurdities and contradictions of life." -The Midwest Book Review, December 2003 issue

"The strength of Moss's poems lies in the fact that he can continue the argument [with God] and keep it immediate to our lives." -American Poetry Review

"In every surprising poem, every song to life, beautiful life, Moss, by turns giddy and sorrowful, expresses a sacred sensuality and an earthy holiness." -Booklist

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ISBN-10: 1583224858
ISBN-13: 9781583224854
Publisher: Seven Stories Press
Publish Date: 05/06/2003
Dimensions: 9.06" L, 6.48" W, 0.57" H
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