
ISBN-10: 1632430525
ISBN-13: 9781632430526
Publisher: Omnidawn
Publish Date: 03/13/2018
Dimensions: 8.90" L, 5.90" W, 0.30" H

Ghost of


Price: $17.95


Ghost Of is a mourning song, not an exorcism or un-haunting of that which haunts, but attuned attention, unidirectional reaching across time, space, and distance to reach loved ones, ancestors, and strangers. By working with, in, and around the photographs that her brother left behind (from which he cut himself out before his death), Nguyen wrestles with what remains: memory, physical voids, and her family captured around an empty space.

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"A death creates both an absence–the hole left by the departed–and a presence–the weight of that hole. Nguyen's beautiful debut collection, Ghost Of, finds myriad ways to embody this seeming paradox. . . . The collection's story is ultimately not just of a sister's grief, but of a family's, of broad loss born from the Vietnam war and deep loss born from suicide. The book's wildly inventive forms show the power struggle anyone who has experienced great loss can understand: the attempt to find a suitable container for mourning, and the acceptance that mourning dictates the shape of everything around it."– "RHINO"
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ISBN-10: 1632430525
ISBN-13: 9781632430526
Publisher: Omnidawn
Publish Date: 03/13/2018
Dimensions: 8.90" L, 5.90" W, 0.30" H
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