
ISBN-10: 0349017409
ISBN-13: 9780349017402
Publisher: Virago Press (UK)
Publish Date: 10/31/2023
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H

The Fat Black Woman’s Poems


Price: $19.99


is a fat black woman
walking the fields
pressing a breezed
to her cheek
while the sun lights up
her feet

Nichols gives us images that stare us straight in the eye, images of joy, challenge, accusation. Her ‘fat black woman’ is brash; rejoices in herself; poses awkward questions to politicians, rulers, suitors, to a white world that still turns its back. Grace Nichols writes in a language that is wonderfully vivid yet economical of the pleasures and sadnesses of memory, of loving, of ‘the power to be what I am, a woman, charting my own futures’.

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Deliciously inert and self contented, the fat black woman mocks oppression by the scandal of being herself...–INDEPENDENT on Sunday
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ISBN-10: 0349017409
ISBN-13: 9780349017402
Publisher: Virago Press (UK)
Publish Date: 10/31/2023
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H
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