
ISBN-10: 1960327054
ISBN-13: 9781960327055
Publisher: CavanKerry Press
Publish Date: 05/24/2024
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H

The Curve of Things

Foreword by: Ysabel Y Gonzalez


Price: $18.00


A heartfelt collection that tumbles through a life of love in all its iterations.

In this collection of poems, curves in all their forms–a woman’s full hips, a rolling mountain, water’s soft bend, or the thrum of Irish immigrants living at the hard edges–are the focus. In their music, these poems celebrate queer love, map loss and liberation, and explore lovers’ scars and the knot of kinship that remains even when love fades. Tragic and tender, The Curve of Things traces the ecstatic joys and difficulties of loving women, celebrating this sweeping terrain of desire. A hymn of unapologetic intimacy and delicate language, these poems choose love over defeat and celebrate the warmth that humanity is capable of.

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"The Curve of Things is honeyed heat and blazing ache. Kathy Kremins queers the natural world in this collection, whispering to a beloved "deeply from long needles" in "Blue Fields" or, in her stunning title poem, mapping lesbian love-making such that plants, animals, human touch, and art-making layer within every gesture: "the geography of your foot / a beagle's howl, the rabbit's route, / my breath on your cheek, red, juicy tomatoes, / the binding of a book..." Here the imagination resurrects, intimacy prays in tongues, and poems are palimpsests - holy, elemental. Too, these poems map what canyons us: waving to a father while "blowing kisses in a direction lined with absence," or in "About the Sadness," bearing witness to the torment of an impossible love. Take a breath as you crease the spine of The Curve of Things open: what lies within is breathtaking."

– "Darla Himeles, author of 'Cleave'"

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ISBN-10: 1960327054
ISBN-13: 9781960327055
Publisher: CavanKerry Press
Publish Date: 05/24/2024
Dimensions: 0.00" L, 0.00" W, 0.00" H
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