
ISBN-10: 1324064455
ISBN-13: 9781324064459
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Publish Date: 08/22/2023
Dimensions: 8.25" L, 6.17" W, 0.36" H

Best Barbarian: Poems


Price: $15.95


The poems in Best Barbarian roam across the literary and social landscape, from Beowulf‘s Grendel to the jazz musician Alice Coltrane, from reckoning with immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border to thinking through the fraught beauty of the moon on a summer night after the police have killed a Black man.

Daring and formally elegant, Best Barbarian asks the reader: “Who has not been an entryway shuddering in the wind / Of another’s want, a rose nailed to some dark longing and bled?” Reeves extends his inquiry into the work of writers who have come before, conversing with–and sometimes contradicting–Walt Whitman, James Baldwin, Sappho, Dante, and Aimé Césaire, among others. Expanding the tradition of poetry to reach from Gilgamesh and the Aeneid to Drake and Beyoncé, Reeves adds his voice to a long song that seeks to address itself “only to freedom.”

Best Barbarian asks the reader to stay close as it plunges into catastrophe and finds surprising moments of joy and intimacy. This fearless, musical, and oracular collection announces Roger Reeves as an essential voice in American poetry.

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Roger Reeves conjures the losses–no, the thefts–at the root of the American story. Best Barbarian is a revelation and a form of reparation.–Tracy K. Smith
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ISBN-10: 1324064455
ISBN-13: 9781324064459
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
Publish Date: 08/22/2023
Dimensions: 8.25" L, 6.17" W, 0.36" H
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