
ISBN-10: 0811217450
ISBN-13: 9780811217453
Publisher: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Publish Date: 09/01/2008
Dimensions: 7.28" L, 4.28" W, 0.30" H

As a Friend


Price: $14.95


“Heroism is a secondary virtue,” Albert Camus noted, “but friendship is primary.” In his gem-like first novel, Forrest Gander writes of friendship, envy, and eros as a harmonic of charged overtones. Set in a rural southern landscape as vivid as its indelible characters, As a Friend tells the story of Les, a gifted man and land surveyor, whose impact on those around him (his friend Clay, his girlfriend Sarah) provokes intense self-examination and an atmosphere of dangerous eroticism. With poetic insight, Gander explores the nature of attraction, betrayal, and loyalty. What he achieves is brilliant in style and powerfully unsettling.

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In this strange and beautiful novel as in life, love is part of what is sacred.–Jeanette Winterson "The New York Times Book Review"
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ISBN-10: 0811217450
ISBN-13: 9780811217453
Publisher: New Directions Publishing Corporation
Publish Date: 09/01/2008
Dimensions: 7.28" L, 4.28" W, 0.30" H
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