
ISBN-10: 1644212013
ISBN-13: 9781644212011
Publisher: Seven Stories Press
Publish Date: 06/21/2022
Dimensions: 9.10" L, 6.70" W, 0.70" H

Always Alwaysland: New Poems


Price: $17.95


A new collection from the great American poet in his 96th year.

Yea, though he walks through a certain valley, Stanley Moss has written Always Alwaysland in his 94th, 95th, and 96th years, a book of songs, devotion, beautiful, painful, useful truths, some work songs, spirituals, grand opera, hymns, chants to God and no God. After all, heartbeat is just versification. He stands alone among American poets. (In one poem that is political, Christ comes back to Earth, is lynched for singing Amazing Grace outside a white church). Read this book, take a chance, change your life for the better for the hell of it.

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In Always Alwaysland it seems each poem has been searching for a master architect and wordsmith with deep feeling and practice to say it right. The profound and mischievous topics seem to be saying to a foreboding modern reality that Stanley Moss, a mature poet who dares to get the questions and the answers right, that the masterplan engages only true feeling in a state of playful wisdom.
Yusef Komunyakaa
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ISBN-10: 1644212013
ISBN-13: 9781644212011
Publisher: Seven Stories Press
Publish Date: 06/21/2022
Dimensions: 9.10" L, 6.70" W, 0.70" H
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