
ISBN-10: 0593231252
ISBN-13: 9780593231258
Publisher: Modern Library
Publish Date: 03/02/2021
Dimensions: 7.90" L, 5.10" W, 0.90" H

The Yellow Wall-Paper and Other Writings

Introduction by: Halle Butler


Price: $14.00


Collected fiction and essays by a pillar of the American feminist canon–with an introduction by Halle Butler, a National Book Award Foundation “5 Under 35” honoree and a Granta Best Young American Novelist

Charlotte Perkins Gilman was a writer, editor, and journalist whose poems, articles, short stories, and novels had a single focus: equality for women. Although best known for “The Yellow Wall-Paper,” her spine-chilling takedown of the “rest cure” prescribed for postpartum depression, Gilman spent her life advocating for a woman’s right to an education, to creative self-expression and economic self-sufficiency, and an end to the consumerism that blinded women to the ways that society held them back.

This collection brings together Gilman’s best-known work with her lesser-known satirical short stories to provide an overarching introduction to this relentless ideologue.

The Modern Library Torchbearers series features women who wrote on their own terms, with boldness, creativity, and a spirit of resistance.

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"The most original and challenging mind which the [women's] movement produced."
–Carrie Chapman Catt
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ISBN-10: 0593231252
ISBN-13: 9780593231258
Publisher: Modern Library
Publish Date: 03/02/2021
Dimensions: 7.90" L, 5.10" W, 0.90" H
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