
ISBN-10: 0804173567
ISBN-13: 9780804173568
Publisher: Vintage
Publish Date: 04/22/2014
Dimensions: 8.18" L, 5.20" W, 0.60" H

Vintage Munro: Nobel Prize Edition


Price: $12.00


This classic collection–now revised and expanded–is the perfect introduction to Nobel Laureate Alice Munro’s brilliant, revelatory short stories, in which she unfolds the wordless secrets that lie at the center of human experience.

The stories in this volume span Munro’s career: The title stories from her collections The Moons of Jupiter; The Progress of Love; and Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage; “Differently,” from Friend of My Youth; “Carried Away,” from Open Secrets; and (new to this edition) “In Sight of the Lake,” from Dear Life. Vintage Munro also includes the text of the Nobel Prize Presentation Speech, given by Peter Englund, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy.

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"Alice Munro is often able to say more in 30 pages than an ordinary novelist is capable of in 300. She is a virtuoso of the elliptical . . . the master of the contemporary short story. . . . Munro, like few others, have come close to solving the greatest mystery of them all: the human heart and its caprices." –The Nobel Prize in Literature 2013 - Presentation Speech

"Her work felt revolutionary when I came to it, and it still does." –Jhumpa Lahiri

"She is one of the handful of writers, some living, most dead, whom I have in mind when I say that fiction is my religion." –Jonthan Franzen

"The authority she brings to the page is just lovely." –Elizabeth Strout

"She's the most savage writer I've ever read, also the most tender, the most honest, the most perceptive." –Jeffery Eugenides

"Alice Munro can move characters through time in a way that no other writer can."–Julian Barnes

"She is a short-story writer who...reimagined what a story can do." –Loorie Moore

"There's probably no one alive who's better at the craft of the short story." –Jim Shepard

"A true master of the form." –Salman Rushdie

"A wonderful writer." –Joyce Carol Oates

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ISBN-10: 0804173567
ISBN-13: 9780804173568
Publisher: Vintage
Publish Date: 04/22/2014
Dimensions: 8.18" L, 5.20" W, 0.60" H
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