
ISBN-10: 1555972535
ISBN-13: 9781555972530
Publisher: Graywolf Press
Publish Date: 12/03/2005
Dimensions: 8.49" L, 5.28" W, 0.74" H

The Risk of His Music


Price: $12.95


With an emotional reach that extends from the incidental to the incendiary moments in our lives, “The Risk of His Music” captures a world that is, as the “Advocate” said about one of Weltner’s previous works, “profoundly gay yet universally valid.”

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"Weltner portrays vividly his characters: gay vets of Vietnam, Southern hayseeds sprouted in all the wrong hometown settings, and, perhaps most interestingly, male lovers who've lived and aged together long enough to witness the general decline of things in the middle America where they've chosen to live, and who must then finally, as do any 'married couple, ' see each other through to burial at the bitter end."–Edmund White"Peter Weltner's new collection of seven long love stories is a delight. His characters are challenged by 'ordinary faithlessness, ' exalted by the perfection of imperfection, and well aware that whoever conceived of the human heart as a muscle 'got it all wrong.' These are generous, wise, and lyrical stories, beautifully written, full of the big music of life and death."–Molly Giles"Peter Weltner's stories are about the art of inhabiting one's body, of the deaths and resurrections inherent in learning and failing to learn that art."–Forrest Gander
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ISBN-10: 1555972535
ISBN-13: 9781555972530
Publisher: Graywolf Press
Publish Date: 12/03/2005
Dimensions: 8.49" L, 5.28" W, 0.74" H
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