
ISBN-10: 1487011385
ISBN-13: 9781487011383
Publisher: Astoria
Publish Date: 05/02/2023
Dimensions: 6.90" L, 5.50" W, 0.60" H

The Private Apartments


Price: $17.99


Moving, insightful, linked stories about the determination of Somali immigrants — despite duty, discrimination, and an ever-dissolving link to a war-torn homeland.

In the insular rooms of The Private Apartments, a cleaning lady marries her employer’s nephew and then abandons him, a depressed young mother finds unlikely support in her community housing complex, a new bride attends weddings to escape her abusive marriage, and a failed nurse is sent to relatives in Dubai after a nervous breakdown. These captivating and compassionate stories eloquently showcase the intricate linkages of human experience and the ways in which Somalis, even as a diaspora, are indelibly connected.

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Idman Nur Omar's new subtle short story collection ... begins in 1991 and features multi-layered stories of Somali women dispersed to Europe and Canada by [civil war]. ... Fans of Elena Ferrante would do well to seek out this collection.

– "Miramichi Reader"
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ISBN-10: 1487011385
ISBN-13: 9781487011383
Publisher: Astoria
Publish Date: 05/02/2023
Dimensions: 6.90" L, 5.50" W, 0.60" H
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